17/05/2023 às 16:09 Maternity


3min de leitura

In response to requests, today I'm going to give you some preparation tips for the long-awaited pregnant women's book.

It is very important to get in touch with the photographer in advance to talk about your ideas and schedule them in advance. Many mothers end up waiting to schedule at the end of pregnancy, and this is a big mistake, I'll leave here the post I wrote about the ideal time to take maternity photos.

Outside or Inside Photoshoot

First thing is to know how you want to do it. You'll have to find out what your favorite style will be. If likes more spontaneous, planned photos; whether you want to take them at home, in the studio, or outdoors, parks, in the city, or on the beach.

As for the indoor photos, both at home and in the studio you can wear more sensual clothes, as you don't need to worry about people or even the weather outside, so a tip is to bet on beautiful lingerie, a shirt from your husband. 

Outdoor photos sometimes depend on the weather. But, on the other hand, the external photos are very beautiful! Natural light, contact with nature, which is all good in summer or even in winter a photo with a snowy background looks wonderful. When choosing these details, the tip I give is that you talk to the photographer, he is used to the details and will give you several tips to make you feel as comfortable as possible.


This part is the coolest of all, the clothes for the photoshoot, it's a lot for the mother, you can choose the clothes that you like best, but the objective is to expose the belly. A nice idea is to separate that bikini top with shorts and/or long skirt, long dress to highlight the belly, which makes mom super cute, elegant and stylish.

For the moms who take the photos with us, we have several DRESS MODEL AVAILABLE to be used on photo day. So, what you should bring to make your photo session even more beautiful? You can bet on accessories that are wonderful. Another precious tip is to match your dad's clothes with yours. After all, you need to be in line with the outfit.

Go in a bra and nude panties

As the costume is selected on the day of the rehearsal, wearing a bra and flesh-colored panties is essential, so that it doesn't mark and doesn't appear during the photo session. Another tip is that it's also not a tight lingerie.

Makeup for the photos

Makeup also goes from mom to mom, there are those who don't like makeup very much and others who don't leave the house without eyeliner, isn't it? I really love my models all well made up, because as I always say, more than half of the makeup will not appear in pregnant women's photos, like the main focus and the belly, the photos are made a little more open, which will show the makeup further away.

For moms who don't like makeup, you can do a very light makeup, and don't forget to wear eyelashes, they make all the difference in the photos.

Baby's personal items

Bring your baby's personal items such as little shoes, maternity bag and baby name lettersAt this time it is possible to give an even more intimate and special touch, with the mother showing the baby's personal goals, which will be used after birth. “This is a very traditional tip in pregnancy testing. Just so that mothers and children can look at the album after a while and fondly remember these little details.

Comfortable shoe to wear during the photoshoot

Especially for the sessions taken outside, the ideal is to take a comfortable shoe for walking, even if the photos are taken on the beach, take a comfortable shoe that is easy to take off and put on.

The husband and child must wear neutral colored clothes

As the natural style is seen in the photographs, the children and husbands need to have a more clean, pure and authentic production, exactly to accompany the mother.

17 Mai 2023


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